Wheel your bike box, don't carry it!
Our kit attaches to the bottom of your cardboard bike box and allows you to wheel the box around.
Traditionally you pack your bicycle into a bike box for transporting.
Now you have a heavy box to carry to the train or airport, which is hard work.
But there is an easier way...
Our lightweight kits come disassembled but with full instructions on how to attach them to your cardboard bike box.
Each kit contains:
If you want to take your bicycle on holiday in another country then there's a good chance you will need to disassemble it and put it in a cardboard box for transporting.
Most airlines and some train companies require you to box your bike before travelling.
Now you have the problem of how to get the bike from your front door, to the train and/or the airport.
Bike Box Wheels attach to most cardboard bike boxes and allow you to wheel the fully loaded box around without the need to carry it.
Once you reach your destination, the lightweight kit can be removed and carried with you, and then reattached for the journey home.
Don't be shy, we like getting mail!
Please feel free to get in touch if there is something we can help with.
hello (at) bikeboxwheels.co.uk